If you choose ‘All User’ does it show all the users calendars?
What’s your OS, php version, and mysql version?
Does the same thing happen if you use the default calendar?
Can you reproduce the problem on the CVS demos at oemr.org, if so then how?
There has been some multiple facilities code added since 3.0.0, but will be helpful if you go through above stuff first to ensure nothing more obvious going on.
If you can, answer the other questions. It will help debug this issue.
Here’s the diff showing changes from 3.0.1(left) to 3.1.0(right)
Here’s the diff showing changes from 3.1.0(left) to most recent 3.1.0 patch (right). the patch can be found in ‘patches’ tracker here at sourceforge, it may fix your problem, worth a try.
Before going through above, does setting the users ‘default facility’ in administration->users and then selecting appropriate facility in the calendar help?
Just to clarify. Is it now working for you? Also, if you want to get physicians to work at multiple facilities you could try by setting the $GLOBALS to true in globals.php.
Then you’ll be able to choose mutliple facilities in the adminsitration->users menu for each user.