Box 21 on the 1500 form

fsgl wrote on Thursday, October 22, 2015:

I can think of 2 ways to have persisting ICD9:

  1. 08/05 format in Globals, not 02/12.
  2. if Globals is set to 02/12, then user is still justifying with ICD9, which is not the case depicted in justifyme.png.

The script, that governs the printing of CMS-1500, 02/12, does not dictate which set of diagnosis codes to use. It is at the discretion of the user. Note that Patch 4 only changed the number of characters on Line 123 as an accommodation for the longer ICD10 codes. It did nothing else in See attached.

Would suggest that you check the format setting in Globals again & watch Demi as she is in the process of justifying. Sometimes errors are introduced earlier in the process, but the screenshot may not give the whole picture.

If the 10/6 claim went out with ICD-9’s; the clearinghouse will automatically reject it & it will not be processed. Of course ICD Ind. will read 9, not zero; as it should be.

If you are using a clearinghouse, what is the situation with the 837P’s? Are you having a problem with the e-claims as well? Unless you’re dealing with Workers Compensation claims, not a lot of reason to send paper.

We’ll get to the bottom of this; even if it kills us.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, October 27, 2015:

We received the EOB of our first claim with ICD-10 codes today. Claim processed & paid correctly.

The anomalous appearance of ICD-10 codes in Batch Payments is only a cosmetic problem. Fixing it will have no bearing on billing or reimbursement.

We’ve not seen ICD-10 appearing elsewhere where it’s inappropriate.

fsgl wrote on Tuesday, October 27, 2015:

If anyone is bothered by the red herring, he can change the column from “Service Code” to simply “Code” mirroring Billing View of Past Encounters & Documents.

juggernautsei wrote on Friday, November 06, 2015:

  1. if Globals is set to 02/12, then user is still justifying with ICD9
    She is not justifying with ICD9 but with ICD10 so the system should be set to 8/05? Right?

fsgl wrote on Friday, November 06, 2015:

No, set Globals to 02-12 & be absolutely certain that only ICD-10 codes are used.

Would suggest that ICD-10 be made default, as we’ve discussed here.

If the choice is limited only to CPT & ICD-10 as default, difficult for me to visualize a scenario which would mess up billing with ICD-9 codes.