Blocking psychology charts from certain users

bb2013 wrote on Wednesday, October 16, 2013:

Is it possible in OpenEMR to not allow certain users from looking at certain charts? There is a psychologist who states that there are certain therapy notes that contain sensitive info and he doesn’t want all providers to look at that.

Please help as the need is urgent.


openemrdev wrote on Wednesday, October 16, 2013:

Yes,that could be possible.

You can set the chart viewable by only the owner of the charts

Let me know

yehster wrote on Wednesday, October 16, 2013:

You can set the sensitivity of an encounter when creating it. Then the acl will restrict who can view the forms associated with a given encounter.

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, October 16, 2013:

There’s also the “Sensitivity” setting in the Patient Encounter Form. If it’s set to High then only users with Sensitivites/High permission will have access to the encounter. That’s how it’s supposed to work anyway, :slight_smile:
