dynomite wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:
I was wondering if someone could help me figure out what the problem is with my installation.
I am using the latest ubunta 8.10 server edition with the latest php5, mysql 5, apache2 modules.
I am able to get to the to the login screen. I enter the username with the ‘pass’ word and then get stuck with a blank screen.
There are 4 frames, but in each contain a blank screen.
If there is something I should look for or view to help provide more details, please educate me.
Are there log files I should look into?
I utilized the CVS from 03/16/09 this morning.
The blank screen after logging in shows this when I view the source.
Thanks to anyone who can assist!
<script type="text/javascript" src="…/…/library/topdialog.js"></script>
<script language=‘JavaScript’>
// login.php makes sure the session ID captured here is different for each
// new login. We maintain it here because most browsers do not have separate
// cookie storage for different top-level windows. This function should be
// called just prior to invoking any server script that requires correct
// session data. onclick=“top.restoreSession()” usually does the job.
var oemr_session_name = ‘OpenEMR’;
var oemr_session_id = ‘5848c860db94b5206b57202dc0699aa4’;
function restoreSession() {
var ca = document.cookie.split(’; ‘);
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; ++i) {
var c = ca[i].split(’=’);
if (c[0] == oemr_session_name && c[1] != oemr_session_id) {
document.cookie = oemr_session_name + ‘=’ + oemr_session_id + ‘; path=/’;
return true;
<!-- border (mozilla) and framespacing (ie) are the same thing. -->
<!-- frameborder specifies a 3d look, not whether there are borders. -->
<frameset rows=‘20,*’ frameborder=‘1’ border=‘1’ framespacing=‘1’ onunload=‘imclosing()’>
<frame src=‘main_title.php’ name=‘Title’ scrolling=‘no’ frameborder=‘1’ noresize />
<frameset cols=‘130,*’ id=‘fsbody’ frameborder=‘1’ border=‘4’ framespacing=‘4’>
<frameset rows=’*,0’ frameborder=‘0’ border=‘0’ framespacing=‘0’>
<frame src=‘left_nav.php’ name=‘left_nav’ />
<frame src=‘daemon_frame.php’ name=‘Daemon’ scrolling=‘no’ frameborder=‘0’
border=‘0’ framespacing=‘0’ />
<frameset rows=‘60%,*’ id=‘fsright’ bordercolor=’#999999’ frameborder=‘1’>
<frame src=‘main_info.php’ name=‘RTop’ scrolling=‘auto’ />
<frame src=‘authorizations/authorizations.php’ name=‘RBot’ scrolling=‘auto’ />