Blank Screen after login on new installation

dynomite wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:


I was wondering if someone could help me figure out what the problem is with my installation.

I am using the latest ubunta 8.10 server edition with the latest php5, mysql 5, apache2 modules.

I am able to get to the to the login screen.   I enter the username with the ‘pass’ word and then get stuck with a blank screen.

There are 4 frames, but in each contain a blank screen.

If there is something I should look for or view to help provide more details, please educate me.  

Are there log files I should look into?

I utilized the CVS from 03/16/09 this morning.

The blank screen after logging in shows this when I view the source.

Thanks to anyone who can assist!

<script type="text/javascript" src="…/…/library/topdialog.js"></script>

<script language=‘JavaScript’>
// login.php makes sure the session ID captured here is different for each
// new login.  We maintain it here because most browsers do not have separate
// cookie storage for different top-level windows.  This function should be
// called just prior to invoking any server script that requires correct
// session data.  onclick=“top.restoreSession()” usually does the job.
var oemr_session_name = ‘OpenEMR’;
var oemr_session_id   = ‘5848c860db94b5206b57202dc0699aa4’;
function restoreSession() {
var ca = document.cookie.split(’; ‘);
for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; ++i) {
  var c = ca[i].split(’=’);
  if (c[0] == oemr_session_name && c[1] != oemr_session_id) {
   document.cookie = oemr_session_name + ‘=’ + oemr_session_id + ‘; path=/’;
return true;

<!-- border (mozilla) and framespacing (ie) are the same thing.      -->
<!-- frameborder specifies a 3d look, not whether there are borders. -->
<frameset rows=‘20,*’ frameborder=‘1’ border=‘1’ framespacing=‘1’ onunload=‘imclosing()’>
<frame src=‘main_title.php’ name=‘Title’ scrolling=‘no’ frameborder=‘1’ noresize />

<frameset cols=‘130,*’ id=‘fsbody’ frameborder=‘1’ border=‘4’ framespacing=‘4’>
  <frameset rows=’*,0’ frameborder=‘0’ border=‘0’ framespacing=‘0’>
   <frame src=‘left_nav.php’ name=‘left_nav’ />
   <frame src=‘daemon_frame.php’ name=‘Daemon’ scrolling=‘no’ frameborder=‘0’
    border=‘0’ framespacing=‘0’ />
  <frameset rows=‘60%,*’ id=‘fsright’ bordercolor=’#999999’ frameborder=‘1’>
   <frame src=‘main_info.php’ name=‘RTop’ scrolling=‘auto’ />
   <frame src=‘authorizations/authorizations.php’ name=‘RBot’ scrolling=‘auto’ />



dynomite wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:

I have a feeling it has to do with the permissions for the directories.  I have followed the instructions for chmod what was important.

So if anyone could give advice for a linux newbie, it would be appreciated.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:

Where did you get the download (there are several), and which set of installation inctructions did you follow here:

If you passed the introduction screen, then your permissions are likely ok.  If you don’t have permission to write to the listed files/directories on the first screen then it won’t let you continue. 

A good set of instructions for the development openemr version (CVS) is here:

A good set of instruction for the production openemr version (3.0.0) is here:

Note that in number 6 of these instructions (a bunch of chown commands) you’ll use www-data in place of apache (I am assuming ubuntu 8.10 is same as 8.04).

Several questions:
Did you edit any of the configuration files before running the setup.php script (you shouldn’t do this)?
In step 1 did you choose to have setup create the database?
Did you follow the recommendations for settings in the PHP configuration file (php.ini) in step 5 (the location of your php.ini file is listed heree)?

To set up the log file you need to set log_errors to On in the php.ini file, and then I think the log is sent to /var/log/apache2/error.log (again, assuming 8.10 is same as ubuntu 8.04).

If you need to start over openemr it is easy to remove. You just need to delete the openemr web directory and delete the openemr mysql database.  To delete mysql database type ‘sudo mysql’ at prompt, which takes you to mysql prompt. There type ‘drop database openemr;’ which will delete the openemr database (I’m assuming you called it openemr).  Then you can start installation over again and catch the error in your log.


dynomite wrote on Tuesday, March 17, 2009:

Thanks Brady for your help…

I did as directed by the walk-throughs and I did use the CVS version from yesterday morning.

I forgot to mention I got this error initially and resolved by adding modules and rebooting:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/openemr/library/ in /var/www/openemr/interface/globals.php on line 94

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /var/www/openemr/library/ in /var/www/openemr/interface/globals.php on line 94

I’ll see if I can see what’s located in those lines, but it resolved itself after tampering yesterday with adding libraries and modules (can’t pinpoint which).

Since then, I started to add modules related to javascript or php to see if I was missing something to my box to help with the blank frames and I broke php parsing

For other members who may have similar problems… I went and did a restart of apache:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
now instead of -->

So parsing is functional again, but the php errors are listed above have returned which may help with why I had the blank frames.

OS not related due to problems on both server and client (windows vista).

Will post something new if I am able to resolve this.

May decide to reinstall as suggested.

dynomite wrote on Wednesday, March 18, 2009:

As mentioned in other parts of the forum, it seems whatever was broken in other things may have affected my install.

Installing with the 3.0.0 version download vs. CVS --> succeeded.

Thanks Brady for your help!


Will provide Sam with information in regards to live clinic demographics once I got this functional.