We have just set up the billing portion of the software and as we were loading patient billing information we noticed that there is a Justify Icon and I am wondering what it’s for? What are you justifying? When I entered in the CPT and ICD9 codes it looked like it saved in the system automatically. I guess I am wondering if it somehow has to do with the charges dropping in the billing portion of the software to send out to our clearinhouse. Please Help!
you justify a procedure you did, by linking it to the diagnosis which required that specific procedure to be done, this will be reflected in the billing,
Thank you for your help. I am trying to get a batch ready for our clearinghouse and I am also entering stuff that happened at the end of last month. Since you have answered this question so elquently…I am wondering if you know why it’s hard to me to view the charges I have entered for 2005-11-29 in the billing section. Would you know that?
Ok! So I tried it…When I look under Encounter while in the pts chart I see the charges are there. I guess I am under the impression that if I go under billing and I click on {Export OFX} or even [view log] I can see a list of all the charges that are ready to go be exported that is after I select the appropriate date range. Is that not correct. If not, could you tell me where to look, because it’s not working. Thank you!