ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, April 14, 2009:
Glad you asked. Especially because it becomes impossible to access if we use the default tree view for v 3.0.1 (so we have reset the default view to 1 in globals.php) Our process has used the radio buttons, as much because we had no idea there were other possibles. But, once you learn one way…
When you create an encounter and then fill out the Fee Sheet, that can generate a bill/receipt which can be printed on paper, but it is a PDF so can also be emailed directly to patients, by selecting the Charges radio button. On the far right I have modified the code from the "as distributed" 3.0.1 to change the link label to better reflect to "View / Print Invoice /Receipt", that link launches cash_receipt.php which I changed per the following to display our practice logo with all its contact info as part of the GIF (makes the bill look professional), or else print the facility contact info, plus print the patient contact info as well to ease mailing or calling. The change is from about line 36:
// Start of JCH replace of existing code which never worked right 4/2/09 JCH
$titleres = getPatientData($pid, “fname,lname,street,city,state,postal_code,phone_home,providerID”);
$sql = “select * from facility where billing_location = 1”;
$db = $GLOBALS[‘adodb’][‘db’];
$results = $db->Execute($sql);
$facility = array();
if (!$results->EOF) {
$facility = $results->fields;
$practice_logo = “…/…/…/custom/practice_logo.gif”;
if (file_exists($practice_logo)) {
echo “<img src=’$practice_logo’ align=‘center’>\n”; // was ‘left’ 4/6/09 JCH
else {
// The ELSE section below replaced an HTML which always printed and was not fixable without errors JCH 081203
// To include the facility print even if the practice_logo.gif file exists, simply remove the ELSE and its brackets
print " ";?><font class=title><br><br>
<?php print $facility{‘name’};?></font><br><br>
<?php print $facility{‘street’};?><br>
<?php print $facility{‘city’} . " " . $facility{‘state’} . " " . $facility{‘postal_code’};?><br clear=‘all’>
<?php print $facility{‘phone’};
<?php print " ";?><br><br>
<a href="javascript:window.close();"><font class=title><?php print $titleres{"fname"} . " " . $titleres{"lname"};?><br>
<?php print $titleres{"street"};?><br>
<?php print $titleres{"city"} . " " . $titleres{"state"} . " " . $titleres{postal_code};?><br>
<?php print $titleres{"phone_home"};?></font></a><br><br>
// End of replace of existing code to print patient contact info & logo or Facility info incl php end 4/3/09 JCH
Please note that those do not get reflected in the billing records, per se, so we ALSO run an x12 that we simply do not actually submit anywhere, but which then posts that date as the 1st billed, which posts in the Encounters and Documents with the revisions I developed for the next release - they use that plus the lack of ICD info if CPT info exists for an encounter to prompt with a red * Justify * and which prevents a checkbox in the Billing list as noted elsewhere in the forums. Those two "tags" print beneath the encounter date in the Encounters & Documents table lists as appropriate. Those save having to look anywhere else to know what needs to be billed or justified.
Hope that helps.
Joe Holzer Idea Man