Billing flow question

aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, June 19, 2009:

Receptionist (Frontdesk group) logs in and sets up appointment.
Patient arrives and changes status to arrived [@].
Doctor (Admin Group) logs in and selects patient,
Doctor fills out ROS.
Billing (Accounting group) logs in and goes to Fee Sheet.
Clicks on encounter to see how to code it but encounter form does not show up.

what am I doing wrong?


ideaman911 wrote on Tuesday, June 30, 2009:

I am pretty sure anyone needing to see the encounter form, as to fill out the fee sheet, must have ACL access to the encounter just like a clinician.  Try that and let us know how you make out.

Joe Holzer    Idea Man

aperezcrespo wrote on Tuesday, June 30, 2009:

What seemed to work is:
In ACL I added Notes to the accounting group.
What I also found is if  the encounter is generated by the provider it will not show to the biller.  Made no difference if I added both Notes ACL entryies to Accounting.
So if billing people need access to the notes encounters it seems to run from frontdesk for apppointments and status change to arrived (for the encounter to get generated).
Then billers (Accounting ACL with Notes) can view it for coding.


sraj49 wrote on Thursday, July 02, 2009:

When multiple doctors access the server in a hosted solution they are able to see the other user names even when they login using their user name and password. Can anyone help me find a solution by which people when they login can only see their name associated with a particular facility and related data. Would appreciate your help…
