sharonco wrote on Wednesday, September 21, 2016:
Hi everyone:
I’m wondering if someone already implemente a fixed monthly fee instead of fees per service? Any advice, help or hint will be reall y appreciated
sharonco wrote on Wednesday, September 21, 2016:
Hi everyone:
I’m wondering if someone already implemente a fixed monthly fee instead of fees per service? Any advice, help or hint will be reall y appreciated
mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, September 21, 2016:
Depends on how your billing situation. Many HMO plans pay capitation and still expect to be ‘billed’ to capture all coding. Some of them expect your normal charges as well. In those cases after ‘billing’, write off all charges and mark encounter as fully paid.
In concierge or cash situation, codes allow standard and non-standard category of charges. Bill with non-standard charges that are set to 0.
You need custom development to measure productivity that incorporates your potential income from fee for services vs fixed monthly revenue.
sharonco wrote on Monday, September 26, 2016:
Fee sheet must be attached to an encounter?
mdsupport wrote on Monday, September 26, 2016:
Let’s back up. It would be helpful if you describe your business process and what you expect to get out of EMR.