Bidirectional fields or forms

ha5mvo wrote on Monday, January 19, 2015:

I have recently downloaded openemr an I’m attempting to set it up for my private clinic.
So far I have managed to grasp the basics and configure some of the available ophthalmology forms that I found quite handy!
I am having, however, one issue - as I’m practicing in Israel and hebrew is written right to left, the printouts always have a left alignment.
I use NationNotes for the fields and assign it right alinment so the on-screen result is relatively fine. The problem seems to be with the reports (the pdf reports turn up jibberish altogether).
I noticed there’s an arabic version so I rekon there’s some sort o solution for that.
My goal is to be able to generate a visit (or “encounter” ) summery in hebrew.

Another thing is an option I’d like to have, namely the ability to have a copy of the previous encounter in the current encounters fields. That’s something that I have in the commercial software that I use at the hospital and I find it to be very useful…

I’ll be much obliged for any assistance


fsgl wrote on Monday, January 19, 2015:

Hebrew is available in the Development Releases. At the bottom of the page is the Ubuntu-Debian package, which is very easy to install.

See this thread regarding prior encounters.

mdsupport wrote on Tuesday, January 20, 2015:

For language settings affecting notes, you should explore if the included version of ckeditor control can be configured in


with contentsLangDirection = ‘rtl’ setting.

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, January 20, 2015:


Regarding your second question, there is an option in latest OpenEMR LBF forms to have the ability to copy previous value. Adding a value “P” in the options column will retain that field with its previous value.
OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

ha5mvo wrote on Wednesday, January 21, 2015:

Thank you all for your input and assistance!!
I tried the options you suggested but I’m afraid it didn’t change much…

I have added “p” in the options section for the “non typist” LBV ophthalmology forms fields (defined as NationNotes) but when I opened a new encounter for an established patient the fields turned up blank as before.

I have alse added the line contentsLangDirection = ‘rtl’ to config.js as MD support suggested but that seemed to have no effect.

am I missing something??
I should perhaps mention that I’m using the pre-configured version, if that has any relevance.

If I understand correctly, the hebrew version is available only under ubuntu-debian? if that’s the case then I’m afraid I am restricted to windows only since the office serves other physicians as well and I can’t fiddle with the OS, let alone install a second one :slight_smile:

I did manage to successfuly change the fields lables to hebrew, other than the group name on the LBV.

As a last resort perhaps, is there any way to export reports to MS word format so I can re-format it there?
again, my need is to be able to generate a visits sunnery for the patient.

The available “pdf download” option doesn’t work well and I’m getting jibberish ASCII hieroglyphs for the hebrew letters.

thank you all very much for the support, much obliged!


fsgl wrote on Wednesday, January 21, 2015:

Would suggest installing the Development copy with production data onto a separate device for testing. All of the Development Releases have Hebrew.

Essentially what you will be doing is to install the newest XAMPP/OpenEMR Package. Instead of leaving 4.2.0 in place, the Development version will replace it. In Step 4 of this guide you will replace 4.2.0 with the OpenEMR-cvs found here.

If everything works well, your colleagues may consider the same for the clinic. It should make it easier to have as much of the database in Hebrew to begin with than to configure it downstream.

It appears that Rod’s new features are only applicable to regular LBV forms, not to NationNotes, which is a specialized LBV.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, January 21, 2015:


It seems “P” option works fine for Nation Notes field also. We did tested in latest OpenEMR 4.2.0 version. But not sure about the pre-configured version.

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, January 22, 2015:

Hi Michael,

Couple issues here:

  1. Although there is a Hebrew language, there are currently no translations for it. Send me an email to if you want access to the OpenEMR google translation spreadsheet to enter in translations (Note a set of mysql tables is built daily from those translations, which you can bring into your OpenEMR instance easily for any version of OpenEMR). See here for more on the translation project:

  2. The current pdf report in OpenEMR does not support UTF8 encoding (so it won’t work for any non-latin character set). At the time Rod placed this feature, the pdf dependencies did not support this, but guessing could now be upgraded by a developes. See here for more details(see bottom of the below wiki page):
    (this pdf issue for UTF8 characters is why there is always an html output option to support internationalization)

  3. Regarding right to left, this will likely require a developer to go through the code in order to support this. It’s something I figured would of already happened by now (but hasn’t) since we do have full translation of several right to left languages already.


ha5mvo wrote on Thursday, January 22, 2015:


@ Brady

  1. email sent
  2. If I unerstand correctly, the potential for non-latin pdf export may be there but it would take someone to actually interate it into OpenEmr. Are there any modules available that may allow the export into other formats? e.g MS word or openoffice.
  3. If you want to go all the way regarding RTL languages, I guess one would also need to mirror the interface…
    from my own perspective, my only need for hebrew is when it comes to external communications generated by the software and their layout (namely patient reports and referral letters) as the current production version accepts hebrew text.

@ fsgl
I managed to download and install the latest dev. version as you suggested but didn’t find the time to test it yet. I’ll do so over the weekend and report back.

thank you all very much for your support!

browsing the forums I recall stumbling upon some a demo of some very fancy ophthalmology forms by one Ray Magauran (?)
Are those available or is it just a emo at this point?


fsgl wrote on Thursday, January 22, 2015:

Ray’s form is a work in progress.

nael2015 wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:

how i can change direction when select Arabic lang and am use latest version

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:

If you choose Arabic from the drop down menu at login, you should see that the script is from right to left, assuming that you are not asking for a left to right change.

nael2015 wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:

all of table still LTR like add patient i want way to change all table to RTL

ha5mvo wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:

on windows, if you hit right control + right shift, it will change the direction into a right-to-left pattern. it’s a windows property.

btw, off-topic: i I wanted to port a customized version of OEMR to a different computer, will it be enough to copy the xampp folder to c: root?

nael2015 wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:

look over

ha5mvo wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:


yes, I was referring to the “mirroring” of the forms in a previous post.
From what I gather, this is not implemented at this point.
I’m also having trouble with large chuncks of text that are left aligned by default.

my workaround is to use Nation notes and cut-paste the report into MS Word if I want a patient printout.
Not the most elegant of solutions but I couldn’t figure a better way to go about it

nael2015 wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:

If statement to know what language use like:
if “condition” {

else {
I want the condition how i can get it

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:

See this for backup/transfer.

blankev wrote on Wednesday, January 28, 2015:

Dear fsgl,

I followed your suggestion and read the whole back-up story. There are some minor mistakes in the text.


Under tool construction 1) Should read as: “Open Notepad to create an empty file”.

Since this way of making a backup only has the luxury of a one time event, I would suggest that I ADD the following:

In Windows Explorer go to your Backed-up folder: F:\XAMPP and rename this folder into XAMPPYYYYMMDD (add the date it is created). This will take care of not overwriting this folder when making your next back-up.

I made the corrections. If this is a mistake, please tell me and I will put the old text back.