Benchmarking cycle time for usage of Open EMR

baldwinian wrote on Thursday, January 28, 2010:

I am in the process of determining the cycle-time of 1 complete cycle of transaction for a new patient - beginning with creation of new record, passing on patient to the nurse for vitals etc, consultation (simple) with the doctor and checkout. Is there anyone out there who has performed such an exercise? I am particluarly interested in finding out how long it will take a doctor to complete a visit using OEMR.

ideaman911 wrote on Friday, January 29, 2010:


My procedure for each new user is to enter the needed data for a single CPT, a single ICD, create a single Issue, and complete an encounter, enter one payer, complete the fee sheet for that encounter and print a CMS 1500, with all the comments needed to have that absolute newbie see where their $ will come from.  Time is approx 1.5 hours to do all that, much of which is book lookup time.  That means that a person familiar with the system, once they have loaded their ICD and CPT database, should require no more than ten minutes to select from available listings for a relatively simple encounter.

But you must add to that if they will be writing War & Piece in the SOAP, collecting and entering Vitals, etc.  So there is really no strict time per visit as such.  That said, I’ll bet somebody like Sam Bowen could give you a practical average user time per visit which would represent a typical “all-in” at the center of the bell curve.  My guess would be about a half hour, which would be concurrent with the patient interaction.  Hope that helps.

Anybody else think differently?

Joe Holzer    Idea Man    315-622-9241  or  or