Behavioral Health-Group Home

racesv wrote on Wednesday, November 03, 2010:

Hello all.  I am new to this open source but I have expereince with emr software at my regular job.  I have opened a group home that provides H2104 and H2107 (basic skills and psycosocial rehabilitation) to our clients.  This is not a medical office.  “Appointments,” if you can call them that at our business, are just interactions that are billed for in 15 minute intervals.  The clients live in the homes and we provide these services.  I am trying to decide if starting work on this program would be benificial.  What we would need is the ability for appointments for our line staff to be scheduled by their supervisors, these appointments would need notes attached to them, and for these services to either be printed out so we can use our present clearing house to bill or the creation of 837’s from these charges.  Does anyone use this software in that way?  I appreciate it!
