octort wrote on Wednesday, January 09, 2013:
I am trying to get all the patients with a balance > 0, any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
octort wrote on Wednesday, January 09, 2013:
I am trying to get all the patients with a balance > 0, any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
ranjithavi wrote on Wednesday, January 09, 2013:
Hi octort,
You can get the result via, Billing -> EOB’s -> (change Open -> Due Pt ) drop down near “Search” Button
Reports -> Financial -> collections -> (change Open -> Due Pt ) drop down.
Hope this will help.
octort wrote on Monday, January 14, 2013:
Thanks for the reply!
I used Reports -> Financial -> collections -> (change Open -> Due Pt ) drop down but I can see also patients with balance = 0, the list is to long to go one by one to identify the ones I need, is there a way to get only those with Balance > 0 ?
thanks in advance!
visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, January 15, 2013:
Hi Octort,
As for the reports, Due Pt or Open ( in collections report) should only display the patients who has the “balance” in the payment and Its working fine as expected.
And For reduce the long list, Use appropriate filters in the reports.
If have any problem in this report, just try with the Option 1 (EOB’s).