Backup server howto on wiki

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 25, 2006:

At the site, I propose we move the ‘backup server’ section from the ‘OpenEMR Manual’ section to the ‘wiki’. Then we can all put in our own methods/scripts, which would give more backup options to choose from.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, April 25, 2006:

After looking thru the site, I’ve noted there’s quite a bit of redundancy(download section and wiki containing howto’s) and disorganization(lots of different types of howto links on first page):
-Seems like we should move all the howto links from the download section to the wiki.
-Then organize the wiki(I am afraid to move links around. Don’t want to lose any pages.)
-Get rid of the ‘WikiSandbox’, or at least make it smaller and stick it at the bottom.
-Make an installhowto link which will contain all the install how to(the installhowto page can then be broken down into OS and/or program).
-Make a tools link which will contain tools(such as formtools)


drbowen wrote on Tuesday, April 25, 2006:

Dear Brady,

I would be more than glad to have some help.

Recognizing that there is always more than one way and I am not criticizing what your are proposing, my thoughts in response to your recommendations:

The OpenEMR Manual was created by largely by Rod Roark (with contributions from Andres Paglayan and myself) as a “stand alone” downloadable module.  It also largely reflects his way of doing things.
It is intended to be packaged and shipped with new installations in Rod’s business of marketing and supporting OpenEMR installations. This manual is based largely on version 2.8.1.

The advantages of the wiki are that it is easily modifiable and maintainable.  Moving the manual to the wiki would make it a living, (less stagnant) document.  Moving the Manual to the Wiki would be advantageous to anyone installing and supporting OpenEMR commercially.  It would be relatively easy to download and tar-compress a hot new current version.

The HOWTOs in the download section should probably be abandoned.  They were included out of expediency while the wiki was under construction but are based on version 2.65ea. (ea for early addition).  They are quite old but included but there because of the old linux adage "some documentation is better than no documentation at all."

Moving links in a wiki is not easy.  They make creation of new documents a lot easier than changing the architeture after you have already started.

The WikiSandBox exists primarily to give new users a chance to get over their "fear of flying".  Modifying a wiki is quite easy and takes a minimal learning curve.  For new users it needs to be in a prominent easily recognizable position.

installhowto - agreed

tools link - agreed

Of course we need to create a "Forms HOWTO".

I would like to upgrade the XOOPS site to the current version. The XOOPS deveopers have made a lot of improvements and the wiki (winimod) is a lot better.  In particular the current support for CamelHumping is quite strict and very basic. The new version of winimod supports a much freer style

In the current version on I have to write:


In the most recent version I can write:

[[FreeB Install]]

This makes things much clearer to new users (and I hate appearing to be dyslexic on the site).

Thanks for the ideas.  I would be glad to have your help on the wiki.

Sam Bowen, MD

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, April 26, 2006:

    I should of prefaced my initial message with how helpful your site was for me and i’m sure lots of others. The things I’m bringing up are really only minor cosmetic/organizational issues which probably come about on all wikis as their content increases.
     I actually like Rod Roark’s manual, it was just the ‘automatic backup section’ that seemed somewhat out of place. We could also place a backup methods/script section in the wiki tools page.
     I’m overly anal when it come to documentation(for example, I keep feeling the need to alphabetize the wiki selections…). I’ll definitely help as much as I can. I don’t mind doing minor cosmetic stuff to the pages, but i still have fears of losing entire pages if i change/move links.
     The new XOOPS does look markedly improved, would be nice to have links that WerentOneLongNauseaInducingEmesisProducingWord.

markleeds wrote on Wednesday, April 26, 2006:

I was wondering if anyone else is using rsync to backup?

I started using it and it is fast and easy.  The first time is a little slow, but after that, it uses diffs of files somehow to just download the changes.

I moved my database to a new setup where all of the LAMP related programs are stored in one directory.  This makes it easy to issue an rsync command to just backup that directory.

I did carefully document the setup of apache, php, mysql in this unique way.  I compiled everything from source.  I will post my installation notes to the wiki soon.