Backup problem

ecavalier wrote on Thursday, May 29, 2014:

I just installed 4.1.1 version to new computer and restored my data to it. Everything is working fine. But when I’m trying to backup data, in the end of backup process, it giving me error message -

Firefox can’t find the file at http://localhost/openemr/interface/main/backup.php.

The reason of my project is to instal new 4.1.2 version after final backup 4.1.1 in second computer for test.
How can I resolve this problem in my test computer. In the original computer I dont have any problem with backup

Thank you

fsgl wrote on Friday, May 30, 2014:

See this thread.

If the operating system is Windows, the file can be found in Windows\Temp\ openemr_web_backup\emr_backup, despite the fact that it did not download to the browser.

ecavalier wrote on Saturday, May 31, 2014:

Thank you!
How can I resolve this problem, to make correct backup

fsgl wrote on Saturday, May 31, 2014:

The resident backup utility is fine for Linux, but for Windows this is more reliable.

The first backup will take about 40-60 minutes depending on the size of your files. After that, it goes much faster. Xcopy does a differential backup, so only that which had changed will be written to the destination device.

The other very handy feature about this backup method is that it’s a fully functional copy of OpenEMR. Don’t have to download another copy to get it to work. TrueCrypt can be used if the backup device is taken out of the office.

This thread discusses the problem of large amount of data to backup when using Linux.