
omo66 wrote on Saturday, May 09, 2009:

I converted 2.9 into (CVS version)
I tried to make new installation using backup.php
This failed at see error below
Is the Apache document root ‘/var/www/html’? [N/y] y
Error: The phpGACL directory path ‘’ does not start with ‘/’.

The converted installation is fine ACL opened inside the EMR with correct users.
Any ideas?

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 09, 2009:


What exactly did you do to upgrade from 2.9 to

What does the top part of your openemr/library/ look like?

Do you get these questions during the openemr admin->backup script or during the restore script?


omo66 wrote on Saturday, May 09, 2009:

This was a restore error.
I upgraded 2.9 ( this previously was manually upgraded to 2.9.1) to 3.0.1.

I tested this new master installation (openemr) worked perfectlly.
I created backup with backup.php and went fine also.
Then I used the restore script (the last one I had, not the one inside contribute)
I choose to make a new location and names for DB–> which made this error appear.

The top of my is the default setting,  I did not change it after I migrated the gacl DB inside OPENEMR DB. Only passwords were changed. The ACL worked fine for both advanced and simple options.

May be my restore script (since version 2.9 is the problem?)

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 09, 2009:


Use the restore script that came with 3.0.1. It has been updated since 2.9.1 to work with the embedded phpgacl.
