Backup on Mac OSX 10.5

fairflowers wrote on Monday, April 22, 2013:

Trying to use the GUI backup in OpenEMR and I get this message:

“C:/xampp/mysql/bin/mysqldump -u ‘openemr’ -p’xxxx’ -h’localhost’ --opt --quote-names -r /var/tmp/openemr_web_backup/emr_backup/openemr.sql ‘openemr3’” returned 127:

What does this mean and how do I fix it?

On another note: It wouldn’t be terribly obvious to a lay person that this was an error message. I can think of a few people who would go merrily on their way thinking that their data was backed up “somewhere” in spite of the above cryptic message. I think it would be wise to make this point in the GUI a little more “G.” :slight_smile:


fairflowers wrote on Friday, April 26, 2013:

No ideas?

Ok, I’d really like to install a patch, but don’t want to do that without backing up what I have.

What is the best way to do this? There aren’t any instructions on the Wiki for Mac OSX.


fairflowers wrote on Thursday, May 30, 2013:

What are the correct entries under global settings for the Miscellanous “Path to MYSQL Binaries” for a Mac? Mine has the Windows path automatically inserted and I can’t back up anything.

I also found this tidbit of information and used it to backup my “data.” Does this include the databases or just the OpenEMR data (forms, etc…)?

“…make sure to back up your data.
The easiest way to do this is with tar. So, from the system preferences, choose your mysql pane and stop the server.
Then, as root: cd /usr/local/mysql tar -cvf databackup.tar data
Now you have a clone of the data folder. Run the updater binary and go back to the mysql directory. Make sure the server is still stopped from the pref pane again (in case the installer started it). Rather than deleting anything (far safety), just rename the new data folder and untar your original data:
cd /usr/local/mysql mv data data.bak tar -xvf databackup.tar
Then, restart your mysql server from the pref pane. This is also a good time to back up the /webroot/openemr/documents/ folder. This very large folder repsresnts ALL of your scanned images.”
