I am using the Openemr Appliance and would like to know what modules should be backed up using Webmin. I am using the appliance with vmware server on a windows machine. If I have to do a restore what would be the proper steps using this configuration?
There are several ways to back up openemr in the appliance:
1) Manually backup within OpenEMR in the administration->backup menu
2) Set up a automated backup script to backup openemr’s web directory and openemr’s sql database. This is discussed (a sample backup script is also provided) in the Appliance User Manual in the backupo section.
3) Stop the appliance temproarily and back up the entire thing.
4) I haven’t looked into webmin’s backup function, but the goal would be to backup the openemr sql database and the openemr web directory. If you do this, let me know how it works, and woul the consider getting instructions for this into the appliance user manual.
The cool thing about the appliance is that it’s on linux. Thus there are a multitude of cool free backup mechanism (such as rsync) that you can use to set up many different kinds of backup schemes.
Hope this helps. If any more questions, feel free to ask.