anonymous wrote on Friday, January 13, 2012:
Utilizing the backup process via “Administration > Backup” has been giving me some trouble. The process suddenly decided to hang at “Dumping OpenEMR web directory tree…” There are no error messages displayed, just the visual cue that the spinning progress indicator (on the Firefox browser tab) stops immediately after displaying the above message. This problem seemed to come out of nowhere. Backup was working fine and now this.
I am able to complete a manual back up as per
I assume I should be looking at the following code to figure why the process is being halted??
if ($form_step == 4) {
$form_status .= xl('Dumping OpenEMR web directory tree') . "...<br />";
echo nl2br($form_status);
$cur_dir = getcwd();
// Select the files and directories to archive. Basically everything
// except site-specific data for other sites.
$file_list = array();
$dh = opendir($webserver_root);
if (!$dh) die("Cannot read directory '$webserver_root'.");
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
if ($filename == '.' || $filename == '..') continue;
if ($filename == 'sites') {
// Omit other sites.
$file_list[] = "$filename/" . $_SESSION['site_id'];
else {
$file_list[] = $filename;
$arch_file = $BACKUP_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "openemr.tar.gz";
if (!create_tar_archive($arch_file, "gz", $file_list))
die(xl("An error occurred while dumping OpenEMR web directory tree"));
$auto_continue = true;
Any suggestions?