Standard code for procedure orders performs SFTP receipts and processing only if a user presses ‘Electronic Reports’ link. We are making automating this process. Since this is a temporary feature for us, we are not able to fund efforts to reconcile our code with standard code. If we provide delta, would anyone be interested in incorporating those changes into standard codebase?
BTW I’m wrapping up support for results-only. In that case there is more likelihood of a need for manual intervention, so attempts to “automate” need careful consideration.
We think benefits depend on the practice philosophies. We also think providing both options will be good for the product.
Here is our situation:
We only do results-only for preliminary & final results with consolidated reporting. MU did not require it so we do not do data entry for labs. The results go through a background process that has worked for about a year and for several thousand result sets without any issues. The incoming results are part of a workflow so ordering MD gets alerted when specific results are abnormal. That means we cannot rely on someone pressing a link for fetching the results.
The change we referred in this topic is related to logging the actions and triggering another workflow when the process demands manual intervention. On a side note, 2-3 instances of process issues resulted from erroneous manual intervention!
Thanks for the clarification. There’s nothing like a production setting to figure out what works. My goal would be to have a smoothly integrated system with clients willing to sponsor the work.
I can definitely see automated triggering of messages via the internal messaging system when there are abnormal results, and if that’s important to the practice it makes sense to ensure that results are checked more often than just when someone gets around to it.