Availity X12 errors

consmd wrote on Monday, June 20, 2011:

I cannot get an X12 file through Availity.  I have listed below my set up, the error I am receiving from Availity as well as a sample of a batch file.  When I spoke with Availity, they indicated that the file is not separating the ISA08 and ISA09 fields as all of the other fields are ( I assume with the * element delimiter) and therefore cannot be read.  Any solutions?

1E|Availity does not recognize the interchange data starting at position 0 as valid.

ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*AV09311993          *01*030240928       110620*1444*U*00401*021809925*1*P*:~GS*HC*AV01101957*030240928*20110620*1444*1*X*004010X098A1~ST*837*0001~BHT*0019*00*0123*20110620*1023*CH~REF*87*004010X098A1~NM1*41*2*

Partner Partner Name: Availity
ID Number (ETIN) : 59XXXXXXX
Receiver ID Qualifier (ISA07):  DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet)
Receiver ID (ISA08): 030240928     
Sender ID Qualifier (ISA05):  Mutually Defined
Sender ID (ISA06): AV09311993
Acknowledgment Requested (ISA14): YES
Usage Indicator (ISA15): Production
Application Sender Code (GS02): AV01101957
Submitter EDI Access Number (PER06): 030240928     
Version: 004010X098A1
Processing Format:    CMS

aethelwulffe wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2011:

Dude.  It is completely true.  You are not getting a delimiter in front of ISA08.  Check your openemr/library/gen_x12_837.inc.php and look for the 8th generated line after it prints ISA.  Check out a fresh install version of the file and see if it has been changed.

It might be interesting to check out your genx12 file, but if you just want a fix (and you are using 4.0 or later)…
you can get this:  http://starfrontiers.org/khvcode/openemr/openemr.zip.  You will not likely want the whole thing, just

Delete the rest, including the sql (as you are not installing this whole package)
Go to your database in myphpadmin.
Run the following sql query:

ALTER TABLE `x12_partners` ADD `x12_isa01` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00' AFTER `processing_format` ,
ADD `x12_isa02` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '          ' AFTER `x12_isa01` ,
ADD `x12_isa03` VARCHAR( 2 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00' AFTER `x12_isa02` ,
ADD `x12_isa04` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '          ' AFTER `x12_isa03` ;

…if copying trom this forum cuts out spaces, then just copy this portion of the file under openemr/sql to get a valid version.  We need the right number of spaces.

  If you do this, and you are running at least 4.0, then you should check your x12 partner set-ups, but for availity this should be GTG.

aethelwulffe wrote on Tuesday, June 21, 2011:

I notice that at EXACTLY the bad spot in your file, you have a line return instead of a delimiter.  Wonder how that got in….

nursejeff wrote on Sunday, September 11, 2011:

Is there a step by step instruction somewhere, that helps someone like me, set up my OpenEmr with, in my case, Availity?  I like to do things myself if possible.

tmccormi wrote on Sunday, September 11, 2011:

Try these … it’s a close as it comes.

