
bdwderm wrote on Thursday, May 01, 2008:

I’ve started documenting encounters with OEMR but can not figure out how to “authorize” my notes. The main screen shows the authorizations link but when selected it shows nothing awaiting authorization.


mbrody wrote on Thursday, May 01, 2008:

Hello Brent,

I am working on an ‘electronic signiture’ feature for encounter notes.  There were some aspects of the program that I felt needed addressing to work better for how I practice.  Here is an outline of what I am doing:

1 - to print up a report of what you did for a patient, you need to go to reports, select the encounter you want to pring, and then select ‘printable version’  the encounter then appears in a web page.   printing this results in the standard broswer headers and footers being printed which is not what I want when I send copies of my notes to an insurance company or another doctor.  It does not look professional.  So I am adding in a pdf print feature which is hung off of the patient encounters, so that when viewing an encounter you can hit a link and a pdf of that encounter will be generated.  I expect to be done with this in a few weeks,  Speech Dictation and SOAP are done amd working on Review of Systems now, after that I will ‘attack’ the vitals template.

2 - When this is done, I will be adding an electronic sig field to these templates (one at a time).  and when viewing encounters, you will see a note if the note is awaiting an electronic signiture.   Your comment had given me the idea of a creating a link that searches all encounters, and looks for unsigned ones, and provides a list of encounter forms that are awaiting signiture. 

3 - Obviously the next step would be to create a method of signing the notes electronically.

4 - Finally once a note is signed, it will not be editable.

I am doing this is my spare time, (have to pay attention to the stuff that puts food on the table first) and hope to have all of this completed for the following templates in the next couple of months
Speect Dictation
Review of Systems

as each step is completed (1 - 4) for these templates I will be submitting a patch for inclusion into the base code.


bdwderm wrote on Thursday, May 01, 2008:

Sounds great; please keep me posted.


drbowen wrote on Thursday, May 01, 2008:

If an “authorized user” enters a note it is considered already “authorized” by the system and won’t show up on the list. 

You will only get items needing "authorization" and in the "authorizations list" if there are created by a non-authorized user.

Sam Bowen, MD

omo66 wrote on Wednesday, September 24, 2008:

This is another great feature. Thanks for the work.

After a PDF note is generated and printed what happen to this original legal documet?
Could you add a feature to auto-save it into appropriate DOCUMENT section e.g progress note, consult note, letters etc…

thank you.

markleeds wrote on Wednesday, September 24, 2008:

I have added similar functionality to the CAMOS form.  It creates a printable pdf progress note for the current encounter or for multiple encounters based on a date range and name.  It includes data from the form, form_vitals (the form formerly known as form_Vitals).  The note is organized by keywords from the Category field.  It looks for ‘exam’, ‘prescriptions’, and lists others below in the order they were entered by category.  ICD9 codes are listed at the bottom.  I recently added another recognized category field, ‘calorie intake’, which the pdf generator gives special attention to with regards to formatting and providing a total.  You can use this last feature to use openemr as a personal diet log.

To try it out, create an encounter by using the Vitals form and CAMOS.  Add a soap note under exam.  A few prescriptions.  Then leave the form and add some icd9 codes.  The CAMOS entries have various links for generating PDFs or prescriptions.

My name is hardcoded into the pdf note generator for the signature line.  I must have been lazy at that point.  Sorry, I’ll fix it later.

I realize that this process is badly in need of a screenshot or video tutorial.

The current code which supports these features can be found at:*checkout*/openemr/openemr/interface/forms/CAMOS/CAMOS.tar.gz