Assets directory

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, July 09, 2016:


I just brought in some commits for this project.

  1. Commit that contains the assets that will be used by Ray’s eye form.
  2. Removed a redundant qtip2 library and directed the codebase to use the qtip2 asset instead.
  3. Commit that contains the assets that will be used by Kevin’s EDI project.

Have been fully documenting the asset stuff here:


osverdlov wrote on Monday, July 11, 2016:

I propose to introduce a reasonable stable branch of every JS package we need into js/vendorname/current and slowly eliminate other versions. For packages with our modifications we can have library/js/vendorname/modified/ with explanation what has been done.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, July 11, 2016:

Hi Oleg,

Please read the ongoing project here:

I am proposing a stepwise (baby steps) method to get to nirvana. Note there is now a standard path to store assets that can be easily changed, if necessary in the future. Next goal is to start transferring all the current assets (with the same versions that are being used in the codebase) to the standard path and using a standard nomenclature. Centralizing the path and standardizing the nomenclature will then make it possible to then upgrade the scripts to current version(with a huge amount of individualized testing, of course).

To get an idea of how complicated the codebase is, here is an example commit of a possible way to bring in the 9 jquery versions that are used in OpeEMR via bower to the standard path:

(note the jquery stuff is a very special case which is explained in the git commit comments, and the other libraries will be much more straightforward and generally consist of just 1-2 versions)


bradymiller wrote on Monday, July 11, 2016:

oops, here is the commit that I forgot above:

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, July 12, 2016:


Have created a mechanism to bring in the 9 jquery libraries that OpenEMR uses into standard assets via bower (check out the commit comments for the reasoning):

There are 2 commits:

  1. First commit bring in the 9 jquery libraries
  2. Second commit transfers over the library/js/jquery121.js to the standard asset(note this is actually not very tough and is done via a “grep | sed” command or two).



bradymiller wrote on Friday, July 15, 2016:

Just committed above stuff into the codebase.

mdsupport wrote on Saturday, September 24, 2016:

Are there any plans to move ckeditor package from openemr/library/custom_template/? Will it go to assets or vendor?

Version of ckeditor in codebase is obsolete and hard to use. But latest version ( could be useful in several scripts with bit of object framework.

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, September 28, 2016:

Hi MD Support,

Always happy to add new assets if you plan to use them. Regarding ckeditor, I guess the question is whether to place it at public/assets (via bower ) or vendor (via composer). Generally place javascript/css stuff in assets and php stuff in composer, but this seems to be a hybrid type package?

Any thoughts on which way would be best?

Regarding migrating the current package in the codebase, that version may not even have bower/composer support and also would need to check whether it was modified/customized first.
