I have a question and I am not sure if this is the right place for it. I currently work at an agency that bills medicaid. Part of our requirements is that we need our EMR to be approved by the Association for Behavioral Healthcare in Massachusetts. How can we get OpenEMR to be approved by them? Here is the link for their approval process.
Here’s a good read regarding this. The certification is $3000 and requires support for their forms. If this could get sponsored, then would make sense for OEMR to look into this; maybe even OEMR could sponsor some of this since it is a mental health certification (ie. getting the cert would mean it would work for mental health providers, so a nice way to get the needed features). Here’s the vendor manual: http://www.mhsacm.org/images/msdp/vendorguidefinal.pdf
Perhaps Art could look at this and see if a feasible way to get mental health module working and certified; the one thing I noticed in my quick read is that they hand out a copyrighted Data Map to the vendors, so just need to make sure that any forms that are built and based on this can be GPL’d.
Hopefully, some or all of the forms could be created as a configuration via the existing or expanded LBF.
I am trying to get the whole ABA cert program overviewed for applicability (and translated verbage) to various state mandates and examples of BH service programs that exist here locally. I am enlisting the help of some professionals in this area. It is awesome that we have a well-coordinated certifying agency that has done the groundwork, but I would like some assurance that their ideas translate to something meaningful…and that their approach is effective.
Seems like
1. The categorized documentation certification areas are irrelevant to a great extent. Some should not differentiate in documentation standards between the two. This makes me wonder.
2. The BH program directors I have discussed this with are basically lost when looking at the program list. There are a couple of standard items that they can recognize, like partial Hospitalization Program, but most of the others are strictly regional. The list of areas is too broad in some areas, far to specific in others, and does not seem to meet broad applicability requirements.
3. Without the data map, and a thesis to go along with it to explain the intent, scope and goals, This cannot be evaluated in good faith. I am not a fan of anything that proposes to set a standard benefiting the good of all, and then puts a limitation or price tag on getting a copy of the standard. The links provided to serve as amplifying info on anything other than how to apply for certification and where to send you money seem to link to more training you can register for. What kind of standard is it, anyway? Does not say. Why have a set of standards for taking documentation (WHICH ALREADY EXIST in state and federal statutes), if you have not taken the next step in arranging for the import/export of that “:standardized” data? Is it a database standard? Transmittal standard like (ug) HL7 or x12 or CCR or NMEA or PGDSS or PFR or shall I go on?? Can’t really tell what the scope is.
Agree kind of odd that they are asking for a $3000 check before even showing what they want for certification. Perhaps an email to their organization to collect more specifics (towards due diligence) may be helpful.
-brady OpenEMR
The contact person is:
Jessica Hammond
Director of Children’s Behavioral Health and Member Services
508.647.8385, x16 jhammond@ABHmass.org
I am also happy to talk about this as I was on the team that created the forms and have worked with several EHR vendors around integrating the forms into their system and MSDP certification.