Appointments Report and recurring appointment

midder wrote on Wednesday, September 02, 2009:


I am using I just upgraded from 2.8.3. The clinic is running the appointments report and they are complaining about not being able to see certain items on the report. A provider shows 2 events for a particular day on the calendar, but the report only shows one. I looked into it a little and the one that does not show up on the report is a recurring appointment, first scheduled the month prior.

So my question is: Am I correct in my assumption that recurring appointments will only show in this report for the first occurrence? If so, is there any way to address this so that all appointments do show?


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, September 03, 2009:


Confirmed this on the 3.1.0 cvs demo. Strange, because we also have reports of the opposite bug happening in this thread (issuing to many appt for the recurring appt):

Unless anybody has any great ideas on what to do, I’ll push these issues to the bug tracker.
