Appointment Reminders

juggernautsei wrote on Saturday, April 21, 2012:

I have been through the forums searching for information on patient appointment reminders. I have looked at the Alerts and none of them are for appointment reminders.

Is there a place in the system to set appointment reminders?


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, April 21, 2012:


Options include getting the SMS/email module to work:
(I am not sure if this works or if the documentation is correct; if go this route, then will be helpful to fix this)

Or trying to get it implemented in the CDR engine. Note there is a incomplete function appointment_check($patient_id,$dateTarget=’’) in the library/clinical_rules.php file. However, to get this implemented would require both effort and finesse.


juggernautsei wrote on Sunday, April 22, 2012:

Thanks Brady,

I found the file and where it stops. I will see if we can get it to working.
