Appointment duration set per provider schedule not appointment type

Dear @htuck, you were spot on one of the issues. I mean 33% of my calendar issue is resolved by you pointing in the right direction about default duration settings. The more I find problems, the more I have started to like openemr. Thank you so much.

Well the other important issue as mentioned before is the height of the timeslot. can we set it to a defined value for eg: 60px. Like the below image. This will help the appointment slot showing more information like in the picture.

Hi @levijustus -
I see what you’re saying; looks like you would need the appointment categories dialog to interact with the globals setting for calendar default interval. Then you’d need to separate those out so each provider could have their own defaults… could be a fun project!

Like you, I think it’d be tremendously useful if the calendar tooltip could be re-coded to include more stuff. The current text area is not very well laid out and is scanty of information; yours has a lot of useful info and is easy to read.

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Calendar uses smarty templating engine using html files in interface\main\calendar\modules\PostCalendar\pntemplates\default\views\ directories. However position of each entry is calculated in related libraries. That allows row header as 8:30 and appointment start at 8:34 with appropriate offset.

Another option is to override event bindings in that page after it is rendered and display a popup dynamically using ajax.


This works absolutely as you said. But my issue is the size of the timeline on the left. can we resize it to 60 pixela(maybe configurable) between the intervals.


No user configurable setting afik. Each “column” on that screen is a table independent of others. You can set height in the phtml file, change their offset calculations for appointment blocks and test various combinations.

From usability perspective your requirement seems like a specific use case. Most staff juggling the schedules want to see day at a glance.

Well…makes sense. thanks MD.
Meanwhile could you kndly point out which phtml file is this. I swept around but could not identify.

Maybe they are called something…template.html files in directory listed earlier.

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