Appliance for Developers

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, November 04, 2007:


  It’s rather difficult to keep an uptodate OpenEMR development environment integrated with FreeB, SQL-Ledger, and php-GACL. So, I decided to solve my dilemma with an Appliance, of course. This thing is really cool, and is only for developers(no security whatsoever) and should NOT be used in a production environment. In order to avoid any confusion with the current OpenEMR Appliance, I’m probably just gonna release it here in this forum(and maybe the wiki). Think of this thing as a portable and disposable OpenEMR development environment with FreeB, SQL-Ledger, and php-GACL.

Quick instructions, Description, and Screenshots below:

-It can be downloaded via torrent here:

-Extract the OpenEMRDeveloper1.tgz file and then run the OpenEMRDeveloper1.vmx file with Vmware Player

-The first time the appliance is run, it will automatically download the CVS versions of OpenEMR and FreeB, and then will automatically configure everything.(screenshot):

-The introduction screen will then give instructions(IP address, links, manual location, software versions, etc…)(screenshot):

-The really cool part is after you shut it down. You have the option of saving what you’ve done or going back to the original appliance(then would install from CVS again on the next start up) (screenshot):

This appliance has made learning how to program in OpenEMR much easier for me, and I hope its helpful to others.


bradymiller wrote on Friday, April 11, 2008:


  Since were probably in a huge testing phase with all the new changes I figured I’d mention this appliance again. It’s a great way to quickly start testing all the new changes. When you start it, it downloads CVS versions of OpenEMR and FreeB and auto-configures them along with sql-ledger and php-gacl. Great development environment to.


aperezcrespo wrote on Friday, April 11, 2008:

Nice REAL nice.  Which VMWare product works with this?  I have been testing the free server versions.
Download begins now.


mike-h30 wrote on Saturday, April 12, 2008:

Yes, I am also curious to know if this will work VMware Server Console 1.05 which is what I am currently testing.  I am using OpenSuse10.3 as my host and have Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 as my guest.



bradymiller wrote on Saturday, April 12, 2008:


It should work with any VMware product(Player(free), Server(free), Workstation, etc.). Let me know if there are any problems. One thing I should of mentioned is that your computer needs to be connected to internet when starting appliance(to allow auto-downloading of the CVS versions of openemr and freeb).


bradymiller wrote on Friday, June 20, 2008:


I used this appliance to make a CVS demo version of OpenEMR. It’s very cool. It basically updates every day at 7:02 AM Pacific time with the current CVS version of OpenEMR and FreeB. php-GACL and sql-ledger are also installed. The list of installed software and versions include the following:
Mandriva 2008
MySQL 5.0.45
PHP 5.2.4
PostGreSQL 8.2.5
phpGACL 3.3.7
SQL-Ledger 2.6.27
OpenEMR CVS (updated daily)
FreeB CVS (updated daily)

Demo passwords:
OpenEMR -     user:admin pass:pass
sql-ledger -  user:openemr pass:openemr
php-gacl -    there is no password needed

Demo links:
log file: 

Prob some bugs. When it’s stable I’ll post this stuff on the wiki also.


bradymiller wrote on Thursday, October 30, 2008:

  I’m planning on releasing a new version of this appliance. Not sure if anybody uses it, but now’s the time to ask for updates. At this point plan on fixing the config script to work with new billing module, adding the ‘screen’ utility, and sending the php errors to the log.txt file that can be accessed via web page (allow easier debugging from outside applaince).

bradymiller wrote on Sunday, February 22, 2009:


With all the changes to OpenEMR, I was forced to make a new version of this appliance, .  It’s what I use for development, and has been a great way for me to learn to program for OpenEMR.

The appliance OS is mandriva, and can be run on top of almost any OS with the VMware player.

The download link (torrent), instructions, and screenshots can be found here:
