Appending the bill log

teryhill wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:

I know the feature to append or overwright the file was added on the last release. I made a change giving 2 more options.

Billing Log Append for one Day and Billing Log Append for one Week

Tested these on Windows and they work. I don’t yet have a linix box (some day I hope to get one) so I haven’t tested on it , but Visolve sadi my code would work .

If any one is interested let me know and I will commit it .


tmccormi wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:

Why are we wrting to a text file to begin with. Shouldn;t we just create a table with the billing log details and a report to look at it with? Doesn’t the claim table have most of what is needed?

tmccormi wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:

PS… download a the Linux VM openemr dev image Brady created and you’ll have one… or if you want desktop any Ununtu VMware Player image

teryhill wrote on Thursday, August 06, 2015:

The claim file has information on the overall run but no specific error information.

This will need some pondering , but for now on to the other things on the list.

fsgl wrote on Friday, August 07, 2015:

The version of Brady’s last appliance was 4.1.1. He said not enough resources to build newer versions.

VirtualBox is free but not officially supported in Windows 10.

Had a quick look at the VirtualBox install manual. Not extremely difficult.

Coupled with Linux Mint 17.2, which is a long term support release (until 2019) & the 4.2.0 Ubuntu Debian Package; it does not seem like a huge project. Not a penny spent along the way.