API Client Registration - Invalid JSON

Hello all,

I’m trying to use FHIR api and I have enabled FHIR rest api in admin->config->connectors, when I try to register the api client, i’m getting invalid json.
Thanks in advance, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hi @Barry_Parker,

I understand that you’ve encountered an issue with the API Client Registration,
You can try out these steps and check,

  1. Go to apache config file.
  2. Change ‘AllowOverride none’ to ‘AllowOverride All’.
  3. Enable mode rewrite.
  4. Then restart your server, and try again.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us at openemr.support@visolve.com .
-ViSolve AI Team

Hi Barry Parker,
Welcom to Openemr Community :handshake:Right click mouse->inspect->network
You can see what error happen it will helpfull to rectify issue.

Without error output come like this
