Any OpenEMR users in California?

maksoudian wrote on Monday, February 21, 2011:

Just wondering if there are any offices using OpenEMR to submit bills directly to Medicaid/Medical of California.  Any FQHC clinics? Which clearing houses are the best integrated?


zhhealthcare wrote on Tuesday, February 22, 2011:


I have a few clients in California for whom we do the billing and host OpenEMR submitting claims to Medicaid .  We are using Officeally so far.  I dont think any of them are FQHC.

Thanks and regards

maksoudian wrote on Tuesday, February 22, 2011:

Hi Shameem,

Thanks for the info.  Can we talk?  I would like to know more about these clients and how much of OpenEMR they are using.   Are they using it fully as a complete EMR solution.  How many EDI/X12 connections are they using?  How about Medicare? Is that done directly or through some other way?

May I talk to these clients for reference and learn from their experiences the do’s and don’ts.

I greatly appreciate your timely response,

Nelson Maksoudian - CIO
MMC for Children & Families