mawalker33 wrote on Tuesday, May 19, 2009:
running the upgrade sql script from 2.8.4-dev to 3.0.1 gave me this output. any ideas as to why this would happen? could it have been that i did not have my permissions set right? thanks.
Processing 2_8_3-to-2_9_0_upgrade.sql …
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn form_encounter billing_note
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn users organization
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn openemr_postcalendar_events pc_facility
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn payments encounter
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn patient_data usertext1
Skipping section #IfNotTable list_options
Skipping section #IfNotTable layout_options
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn transactions refer_date
Skipping section #IfMissingColumn codes related_code
Skipping section #IfNotTable prices
ALTER TABLE codes ADD taxrates varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘tax rate names delimited by colons’
ALTER TABLE drug_templates ADD taxrates varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘tax rate names delimited by colons’
ALTER TABLE drug_sales ADD billed tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT ‘indicates if the sale is posted to accounting’
UPDATE drug_sales SET billed = 1 WHERE encounter > 0
ALTER TABLE form_encounter ADD pc_catid int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 5 COMMENT ‘event category from openemr_postcalendar_categories’
CREATE TABLE fee_sheet_options ( fs_category varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘Descriptive category name’, fs_option varchar(63) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘Descriptive option name’, fs_codes varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘multiple instances of type:id:selector;’) TYPE=MyISAM
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘1Brief’ ,‘CPT4|99201|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘2Limited’,‘CPT4|99202|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘3Detailed’,‘CPT4|99203|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘4Extended’,‘CPT4|99204|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘1New Patient’,‘5Comprehensive’,‘CPT4|99205|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘1Brief’ ,‘CPT4|99211|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘2Limited’,‘CPT4|99212|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘3Detailed’,‘CPT4|99213|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘4Extended’,‘CPT4|99214|’)
INSERT INTO fee_sheet_options VALUES (‘2Established Patient’,‘5Comprehensive’,‘CPT4|99215|’)
ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `cal_ui` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT ‘Specifies calendar display style’
ALTER TABLE drugs ADD related_code varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’ COMMENT ‘may reference a related codes.code’
ALTER TABLE billing MODIFY `justify` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’
ALTER TABLE prescriptions MODIFY `quantity` varchar(31) default ‘’
ALTER TABLE codes MODIFY `superbill` varchar(31) default ‘’
INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘superbill’,‘newpt’,‘New Patient’ ,1,0,0)
ERROR: query failed: INSERT INTO list_options VALUES (‘superbill’,‘newpt’,‘New Patient’ ,1,0,0)
Error: Column count doesn’t match value count at row 1