When you create a new patient, using the left navigation panel either buttons or tree view, how do you create a new appointment for the newly created patient? In the old style layout there is New Appointment button on the top panel. Cannot find anything like that in the other views.
I’ve just added a new link, ‘New Appointment’, in the section that shows upcoming appointments for the current patient. You see that when looking at a patient’s demographics.
Thanks for the update. How do I get it? What files?
By the way is there any easy way to find what files have been updated in the CVS on a particular day? That would make it easier for me to get all the changed files. Noe I have to bother you guys for the name of the changed files.
how do i change the left pane menu to default as only one radio button checked and hence only one pane on the right side rather than current default of both the buttons checked and 2 panes on the right side?
Edit <oemr>/interface/main/left_nav.php, line 925 to be this:
<b><?php xl(‘Bot’,‘e’) ?></b><input type=‘checkbox’ name=‘cb_bot’ onclick=‘toggleFrame(2)’ />
Edit <oemr>/interface/main/main_screen.php, line 46 to be this:
<frameset rows=‘100%,*’ id=‘fsright’ bordercolor=’#999999’ frameborder=‘1’>
Edit <oemr>/interface/main/main_screen.php, line 51 to be this:
<frame src=’’ name=‘RBot’ scrolling=‘auto’ />