AMC report low perfomance

openemrdev wrote on Monday, October 14, 2013:

Hi all

we have been using OpenEMR for a year

When i try to run a amc report with 3500 patient database.It takes 2 hours to pull the entire report on 4.1.0(11)

Then i upgrade 4.1.1 version as per forum users suggestion.But still it takes the same time

Working under WAMP/OpenEMR 4.1.1(9) and i have set all the needed php.ini settings for OpenEMR

Please can any one advise on this

blankev wrote on Monday, October 14, 2013:


Most recent version is 4.1.2 patch 2.

Now you are up to date and tell if the problem was solved. We had lengthy discussions about time and output of information and some of it was solved during the many upgrades.

openemrdev wrote on Monday, October 14, 2013:

Thanks pieter…

After using 4.1.2(2) i can get the report pulling in 35 min for 3500 patient

I have done lot of modification in openemr as per the clinic needs,i would like to keep the all the changes(more than 1000 files)

It would be better if some one provides steps to how can i get only the AMC/ and mu relates changes from 4.1.0(11) to 4.1.2(2) through git

Please advise

openemrdev wrote on Monday, October 14, 2013:

Dear brady/kevin

Please advise me on how to do this

yehster wrote on Tuesday, October 15, 2013:

My advice would be to hire me and pay me an exorbitant fee for my services.

My prior attempt to crowd source fund a project to improve AMC and CQM performance received no community support. So even though I might be painting myself in a poor light, this topic is a bit of a sore spot for me.

Brady might be willing to advise you for free, but I’m not.

A scan of the hundreds of commits in github to identify which ones were specifically related to AMC will get you the data you are requesting, but I don’t know of anyway to do it as easily as you seem to be hoping.

openemrdev wrote on Tuesday, October 15, 2013:


I will try the same at my own risk.Thanks for your knowledge sharing

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, October 15, 2013:


Here was the main commit:

(I recall there have also been other smaller commits, though, that improved the performance and fixed some bugs, so as Kevin suggest would be good idea to go through the repo)


fsgl wrote on Tuesday, October 15, 2013:

Equanimity is a very difficult virtue to acquire even in the autumnal years. “Taking the rough with the smooth” is my next best effort.