Allscripts is running again

I got Allscripts import running again. Requires update of PHPExcell to 1.8 and changes to import_rx_allscripts.php.
I am running it on Windows 2016 Server, IIS10 and PHP 7.1.1, will post instructions and code.

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@Kim_Weesner ,

awesome! Will be very nice to be able to offer this feature again.

Would it be helpful if I brought the PHPExcel library into the codebase (we can do this via composer, so then the classes would be autoloaded) or is it better to have users install it via PEAR ?


That’s not a bad idea Brady, it’s not real easy to install and you have to tell the code where it is, not user friendly you might say. As long as the PHPExcell boys don’t have problems with including there stuff, we would give them credit for contributing, right. The fix is so easy it’s not funny, just took a long time to find it, PHP 7.1.1 does not support the break 3: instruction in the switch loop, along with the PHPExcell upgrade to 1.8.
So how should I get the new import_rx_allscripts.php and left_nav.php to you?

Hi @Kim_Weesner ,

PHPExcel is licensed by LGPL, so can include it in our codebase. I just added PHPExcel to the OpenEMR codebase via composer and the classes are now autoloaded(ie. don’t need to mess with including files etc).

Recommend adding your changes to your github repo based on most recent codebase and then submitting a Pull Request (just let us know if need any guidance on doing this).

Something to note for future regarding PHPExcel; it’s no longer being supported and the developers are working on a new package at GitHub - PHPOffice/PhpSpreadsheet: A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files , which we can migrate to in future when they come out with a production version. I left notes on this on the OpenEMR project composer wiki page so we don’t forget (see item 26):

thanks and looking forward to getting this feature in the codebase,

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I will try and get that uploaded tonight, just been way to busy. Got
notice today Allscripts is going to start charging.


Do we have Allscripts integrated with Version 5.0.1 yet? I had it on 4.2 but never after. any updates?

Barrie C Fitz-Gerald, Ph.D.

5238 Ferrari Avenue

Ave Maria, FL 34142-9566


Where can we receive information regarding the details of the “ALLSCRIPTS” integration with OpenEMR?

Please advise regarding all particulars.
