I forgot to copy over the site/default/documents before the upgrade. The document links show the links but when i click on them they don’t open. Tab says upknown.
I forgot to copy over the site/default/documents before the upgrade. The document links show the links but when i click on them they don’t open. Tab says upknown.
Do you have an image of the original server (I assume you don’t have a backup of the documents directory specifically). We keep our EMR “documents” on a different server unrelated to OpenEMR and upload only what is needed for the patient portal, patient facepic, etc. to OpenEMR. That avoids this nasty problem of losing all the EMR “documents” during an upgrade or other type of failure. There are backup programs for making server images.
my test site works. The documents are in the production folders just can’t get to them through emr.
Where are the hash stored?
Yes I have a copy on test and it works.