Adult Weight Screening and Follow-Up (Passive Alert) not behaving correctly?

cmswest wrote on Thursday, January 16, 2014:

Hi, I’m on the demo and have put in vitals on the patient for October. The rule should prompt for measurement due on the main patient screen, but it’s not even though it’s configured to say past due. I’ve attached the screenshot of the rule.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, January 16, 2014:

When I logged in, it said “Not Due”, so I changed Optional to “NO” and it popped into the Clinical Reminders box.

Brad Gregg did a nice article on the subject in event you are not aware.

cmvincent wrote on Thursday, January 16, 2014:

Thanks for sharing the link to the manual that Brad wrote.

fsgl wrote on Thursday, January 16, 2014:

It was my pleasure.

The article solved the remaining problems I had in generating the Standard Measures Report. Brady said everything had been hard-coded for Rules, but I could not get the report to work until I stumbled upon Brad’s work.

cmswest wrote on Friday, January 17, 2014:

that’s great support fsgl! i remember seeing Brad’s article now that you mention it

how have user’s satisfied the “AND if the most recent BMI is outside parameters, a follow-up plan is documented.”

by using the attached area? (which you can only get to by clicking edit on the clinical reminders once vitals have been entered) or by just making sure the follow up plan is documented in a soap note or other form?

is just seems like there’s no way for the cdr engine to report out on that part of the measure…

fsgl wrote on Friday, January 17, 2014:


That’s a very good question. There is tracking of both populations, one within normal BMI and the outlier population; see attachment 1. Calculation of the numbers for the outlier population is enabled without custom input.

Found the table for the measure, see attachment 2 and that Ken Chapple worked on the Clinical Quality Measures, according to this web page.

Would suggest that you email (or Brady). Please post the answer to help folks who are trying to get their reports in shape for the 2013 attestation.

cmswest wrote on Saturday, January 18, 2014:

once again fsgl, fantastic support! not that there is isn’t bigger fish to fry, i will mention this to brady or ken when i summon the courage

fsgl wrote on Saturday, January 18, 2014:

If you are pressed for time, emailing serves only to satisfy intellectual curiosity. It appears that both parts of the measure are fulfilled merely by recording the weights.

Brady is remarkably down-to-earth and Ken seems approachable from the small glimpses in the E-Sign API thread and the Github for Dummies video tutorial. But if duty calls…