Adult Progress Notes in contrib

light_coder wrote on Friday, February 15, 2008:

Does anyone have a working “Adult Progress Notes”? The one in the contrib directory looks pretty good, but unfortunately, the table.sql file has nothing significant in it. In other words, I can’t create the table(s) needed for this form.

It appears that 2 tables are needed form_adult_progress_note_checks and form_adult_progress_note. Table form_adult_progress_note appears to be like any other OpenEMR form tables, but the other one is the one giving me problems. It appears that all the form check boxes are being placed in that table (form_adult_progress_note_checks)in an array called checks[]. I am not sure how to handle that.

Thanks in advance for any help.


sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, February 21, 2008:

Good question, I don’t see where it’s created either.  It might be as simple as putting the right CREATE TABLE statement into table.sql.  If you get it working, let us know what you did so we can patch it.
