asfg85 wrote on Tuesday, March 16, 2010:
How i can import a Patient List from excel
asfg85 wrote on Tuesday, March 16, 2010:
How i can import a Patient List from excel
visolveemr wrote on Thursday, March 18, 2010:
From the phpmyadmin (Administrator->Other->Database) you can import your patient list into the patient_data table. But before importing, you should check the patient_data table columns against your excel columns, which should be consistent.
If you want to import values only to particular columns, then do it from the mysql client using LOAD DATA. For Instance, if you have Patient firstname, DOB,Gender in your excel file, then import the data like - LOAD DATA INFILE ‘patient_file_with_location.xls’ into table patient_data(fname,DOB,sex)
ViCarePlus Team
asfg85 wrote on Thursday, March 18, 2010:
Thanks for your help.