Admin missing plesae help

prasanth21 wrote on Tuesday, August 11, 2009:

i just installed open emr on the live server and everything is fine but i am missing the admin radio button
Then i tried installing the tar.gz version still the same error (on different databases)
during setting up of the database i got the following message

driver = mysql,
host = XXXXXX,
user = XXXXX,
database = XXXXX,
table prefix = gacl_Testing database connection…
Success! Connected to "mysql" database on "XXXXXX".
Testing database type…
Success! Compatible database type "mysql" detected!
Making sure database "XXXXX" exists…
Success! Good, database "XXXXXX" already exists!

Failed! Failed creating tables. Please enable DEBUG mode (set it to TRUE in $gacl_options near top of admin/ to see the error and try again. You will most likely need to delete any tables already created.

Failed! Please fix the above errors and try again.

you will notice the two failed notice does this have anything to do with the missing admin button

everything else is there
have installed Ver. openemr-3.0.1
any help is greatly appreciated
thank you for you help

cfapress wrote on Tuesday, August 11, 2009:

It seems the set up could not properly complete the phpGACL security module installation. That’s a critical piece to make OpenEMR work.

Are you using your own server or something hosted by a provider such as or or … ?


bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, August 12, 2009:

My initial guess is that you created the ‘openemr’ mysql database before running the install. This works, however I am guessing you created a ’ UTF8’ database and not a ‘latin1’ encoded database. For 3.0.1 there are tables that are not compatible with UTF8 (especially the gacl tables; noted this will not be an issue in the next planned 3.1.0 release).  If this is not the case,
then please give:
operating system,
mysql.php version

Also, can get the full gacl error output by setting the debug flag for gacl to TRUE here:
