Address Book vs. 'users' table

blatta wrote on Friday, January 27, 2012:

Why is it that the referring physician contacts that I enter de novo into the address book (as admin) show up in the ‘users’ database table (actually, I understand that) whereas those that I enter directly (say, perhaps, as part of a sql dump) into the ‘users’ table don’t show up in the Address Book? This is of some importance to me as I’d like to start ramping up to utilizing OpenEMR but prior to doing so I’d like to take all my existing data files (largely stored as csv and/or other text-type files and upload them into the various database files so that I can more or less hit the ground with my feet running.

Along those lines, is there any documentation or pointers pertaining to the use and function of the various database tables and their relationships to each other?


bradymiller wrote on Friday, January 27, 2012:

I think the ‘authorized’ sql column in the users table needs to be set to 1 for onsite physicians to show up in the address book.

blatta wrote on Saturday, January 28, 2012:

Thanks. Three or four columns in and I couldn’t have even tried to find it by trial error. I’m embarrassed.