i have limited CPT and ICD codes to use and probably can get by manual additions as i need them but would like to know about how to use these utilities
I’d never seen the PFS National Payment Amount File. Very interesting. Correct me if I’m wrong, it looks like a list of standard payments amounts for various Medicare services. OpenEMR is used globally, this particular file is USA specific. But I don’t see any reason why such information should not be available to be imported into OpenEMR. Perhaps somebody could write a brief script for importing the data. In fact, I might end up doing that since our Agency offers services paid for through Medicare.
Your first question, regarding ICD9 and CPT4 codes, is tricky with Windows. The scripts you will find in openemr/contrib/util are Perl programs. You will need to install Perl for Windows which can involve a whole host of other software. Start by visiting the Perl web site: http://www.perl.org/
Once you’ve got Perl installed, and likely Cygwin too, you will need some additional Perl libraries to run the scripts in the contrib folder. Those libraries come through CPAN. I believe there are CPAN utilities that come with Perl.
The CPT4 and ICD9 codes are stored within the OpenEMR database in the ‘codes’ table. So when the script, load_icd_desc.plx, is run it will wipe out all ICD9 codes from that table and recreate them all. The CPT4 import is less destructive.
Something to note if you look at the codes table through phpMyAdmin:
code type 1 = CPT4
code type 2 = ICD9
code type 3 = HCPCS
I suggest you edit the load_icd_desc.plx to suit your installation. You will need to change the the DBI->connect lines to something like this, with your DBName, username, and password matching the OpenEMR database connection parameters:
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME", "username", "password")
or die $DBI::errstr if ($DBNAME);
The Perl code has some good comments in there so you should be able to sort it out. Also, you might find that your Perl installation is missing a CPAN module or two. You’ll see an error message on your command line when you try to run the perl script.
I’m not working with a WinXP installation so I’m not the best person to answer these questions but I’ll do my best to help.