Hi - in our practice we would not use any of the standard code types. Is there a way that we craft our own code type and define a number of codes with that code type, listing prices for procedures that we could use in billing? If so, how would I go about implementing that?
Thank you!
Thanks fsgl, that was very helpful. I actually ended up creating a new type just in case we would need the standard existing codes in the future for insurance purposes.
Hmm, it’s a slow process to find my way through features here in openEMR. Right after getting my code-type and codes entered the next hurdle is in front of me: How do I use that now?
Let’s say a patient gets a consultation for a rhinoplasty, then he comes in again for a pre-op consultation and is scheduled for the surgery. He comes in and that starts a new encounter. Somewhere I must be able to enter the code for the rhinoplasty and be able to generate a bill for that procedure. What would be the steps to do this and - is there actually some documentation that would show me how?
The first visit is billed as usual. The pre-op visit is considered part of the global fee for Ophthalmology (not billable), therefore I assume it is the same with ENT.