Adding Code Description to Statement

s-roach wrote on Saturday, July 13, 2013:


I’ve been playing around with OpenEMR’s statement and have been able to make some cosmetic changes (e.g. change the remit address, add fields to the credit card portion). Recently, I’ve been trying to add a code description column in body, but I’m truly stumped. My coding has been a lot of a trial and error since I’m not a programmer, so if there’s someone out there in the OpenEMR community that could help me I’d be very grateful.

Have a great day!


fsgl wrote on Sunday, July 21, 2013:

This thread is not the precise answer, but David’s post may offer some hints. The Notepad++ suggestion is rather good because using plain old Notepad is enough to make a person esotropic (cross eyed).

The access to the document is restricted. You may need to email David,, to request permission.

After you have figured it out, it would be helpful to have a followup post.