Adding a new field

octort wrote on Tuesday, January 18, 2011:

How can I add a new field to the patients table? the patiens need to renew every year their membership card with us. How can I generate a report displaying only the patiens who need to renew their membership card?

visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, January 18, 2011:


From ‘Administration->Layouts->Demographics’, a new field to the demographics layout can be added. We suppose, you would like to add a new field ‘membership expiration date’.

For Reporting, create a new report which extracts patient details from patient_data table (has to be coded). Then based on the ‘membership expiration date’ list the patients whose membership is getting expired in another 15/30 days.

ViCarePlus Team,

octort wrote on Wednesday, January 19, 2011:

Is it hard to create code for a new report? thanks in advance.

uhsarp wrote on Thursday, January 20, 2011:

Not at all. Just pick a report as a template (that is the closest to what you need) and just change the sql query to capture missing variables. Add the corresponding <td> columns and display the data. Just glance through the source code and you’ll be able to figure it out yourself.

octort wrote on Thursday, January 20, 2011:

I start working on it but how is it going to be displayed as an option on the the tree menu?

visolveemr wrote on Friday, January 21, 2011:


To access the newly created report from the Navigation Tree, you need to inline the reference/link in the interface/main/left_nav.php file. For instance, to bring the new report under Reports->Clients, approx at line 1010 introduce a new list.

ViCarePlus Team

uhsarp wrote on Friday, January 21, 2011:

Also, to edit/add navigation links, edit content, just right click and view page info (sometimes Frame info) in Firefox. It will show the link location like /interface/reports/abc.php.

You can go to that location in the web server folder and edit the corresponding lines or do a search for the text as needed and make your edits.

octort wrote on Monday, January 24, 2011:

Finally, I finished this part. Thanks to all of you for your support. Now, I will move to Backup and Restore procedure.

thanks again!