hsihousing wrote on Thursday, May 29, 2014:
I need to add users to the EMR. In the wiki it gives a log in and password, but when i enter it i get an error stating that the login password is not working. HELP please… thanks
hsihousing wrote on Thursday, May 29, 2014:
I need to add users to the EMR. In the wiki it gives a log in and password, but when i enter it i get an error stating that the login password is not working. HELP please… thanks
fr4nkie wrote on Thursday, May 29, 2014:
Are you trying to add a user from Administration > Users?
When adding a new user you need to specify the new username and password as well as verify the administrator’s password (“Your Password”) before it will allow you to save. If I am misunderstanding, please clarify the question.