I have the following ACL error at the final step when updating ACL, What does this mean? Thanks.
ERROR,unable to place the ‘Forms Administration’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Practice Settings’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Superbill Codes Administration’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Users/Groups/Logs Administration’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. Successfully placed the ‘Batch Communication Tool’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Language Interface Tool’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Superuser’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Pharmacy Dispensary’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
2 of 310/24/2011 11:37 PM http://localhost/openemr/acl_upgrade.php
Successfully placed the ‘ACL Administration’ object of the ‘Administration’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Authorize - any encounters’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Coding - any encounters (write,wsome optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Notes - any encounters (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Fix encounter dates - any encounters’ object of the ‘Encounters’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Default List (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Lists’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘State List (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Lists’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Country List (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Lists’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Language List (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Lists’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Ethnicity-Race List (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Lists’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Appointments (write optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL. ERROR,unable to place the ‘Demographics (write,addonly optional)’ object of the ‘Patients’ section into the ‘Emergency Login’ group ‘write’ ACL.
What version you upgrading from (Also, what version did you initially install OpenEMR at?)?
Have you customized the Administration->ACL stuff?
At Administration->ACL gui :
Click Groups and Access Controls and do you see: Emergency Login-write
Click 'edit; next to Emergency Login-write, can you copy/paste here what is in the Active column?
This installation is windows xp professional, the first time I installed open EMR was version 2.9, then either 3.0 or 3.1 and then 3.2. The data was converted long time ago UF8. I freshly installed the the 3.2 xampp package, and I restored the data to it, I installed the batch. Then I upgraded to 4.0 followed the steps updated the data there was no errors, added the batch. then upgraded again to 4.1 batch 2 and I update the data then as I updated ACL, I saw the errors.
I am not aware that I customized ACL, what customizing ACL entail?
here is the info that you asked for
Billing (write optional)
Price Discount
EOB Data Entry
FinancialReporting-my encounters
FinancialReporting - anything Administration
ACL Administration
Batch Communication Tool
Calendar Settings
Database Reporting
Pharmacy Dispensary
Forms Administration
Language interface Tool
Practice Settings
Superbill Codes Administration
Users/Groups/Logs Administration Encounters
Authorize - any encounters
Coding - any encounters(write, wsome optional)
Fix encounter dates- any encounters
Notes -any encounters (write addonly optional) Patients
Documents (write addonly optional)
Medical/History (write addonly optional)
Patients Notes (write addonly optional)
Transactions (write optional) Sensitives
Nation Notes
Nation Notes Configure
Patient Portal
The ACO controls got installed somehow, but you shouldn’t be getting ERROR messages when re-run the script (Should say something like, control already exist, so don’t need to add). Can you try the acl_upgrade.php script and then look through (feel free to paste it here) your php error log.