I just committed to official codebase a very cool styling update to the “Acknowledgments, Licensing and Certification” page (linked on openemr login screen), which was completed by developer Rosion. See here for the related tracker item: https://sourceforge.net/p/openemr/feature-requests/123/
This is a good time to remind any contributors (note the definition of a contributor is very broad and not just only for developers; see Overview section on below link for details) that want to be listed on this page simply need to add themselves to the following wiki page: http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_Acknowledgments
Don’t modify the page on github. Instead, just modify the page in the wiki (I bring over the changes on the wiki into the openemr page; it’s much easier for me to do it that way to ensure the page on the wiki and the page in OpenEMR are the same): http://www.open-emr.org/wiki/index.php/OpenEMR_Acknowledgments