I am still in the embryonic stages with this software so apologies for the simplicity of my question.I have set up a single instance of OpenEMR 4.1.2 with XAMPP 1.8.2 and am now able to access the software at my clinic from more than one workstation there.I may need to add another clinic which would require access to this instance of OpenEMR(smaller practice and patient may attend either location),in addition when I am offsite(home,abroad etc…)I would like to be able to access the software to review the activity at my practice(and eventually practices).What is the easiest and most cost effective way to achieve this?
If you want to use the same OpenEMR instance(Database) to all the practices(clinics), you can go to Administration -> Facilities and add your (as many)clinics there. You can assign the providers to a particular facility.
Otherwise, you can go with OpenEMR Mulit-site Module, in which for each clinic(site) seperate database will be maintained but the code base will be the same. Take a look at this OpenEMR Multi-site wiki article.
So I would access the software/instance from the same web address anywhere I require as I do at my clinic ?(provided the machine is connected to the net and XAMPP running?)No additional ‘web hosting’ or other solution is needed?Thanks for your gracious assistance.
The OpenEMR instance should be in a public machine(i.e public server) in order to be accessed by other clinics outside. The above given solution is only for the machines connected in a LAN network.
• Cost effective - Open the computer you’re currently running on to the public internet and use that as your server. If going this route, implement local disk encryption and TLS encryption for security purposes.
• Secure - As stated above, make sure you’ve implemented local disk encryption as well as TLS encryption to protect your data. Running OpenEMR as a DIY solution can be a very enriching experience, but it is imperative you do plenty of research to ensure you’re doing everything you can to protect your data. If you’re uncomfortable with that responsibility, I’d contact professional support and let them sort out the details.
The instance is connected to the net via a wireless connection through a wireless cable dsl modem given to me by my provider.I am unable to access it offsite.Guidance please and thanks.
Use this site to get your public IP address. Then try to navigate to OpenEMR with x.x.x.x/openemr (x’s represent your public IP address). There may be a firewall implemented in your ISP assigned router which would block incoming web server traffic. If that’s the case, you’ll need to login to that device and open port 80.