saleemf wrote on Friday, May 20, 2011:
Hi There Developers,
Befoer i start the monaing and Groaning just want to say that you guys have done a great job with thie product and I enjoy working with it and customizing it for our clients in the Middle east.
I do have a couple of issues that i am hoping you guys can help set straight or point me in the right direction.
I am assuming that before you actually released this magnificent product for those of us who are not as brilliant as you guys to use, you have tested each of the modules and being happy that it works you let us have it to play with.
If this is correct, then may i please ask why there is no simple directives/manual/quick guide on some of the more mundane tasks like sending email reminders.
I have searched the FORUM high and low and only found bits and pieces here and there but nothing concrete.
Here is the question that i wouldl ike to ask you geniuses.
I am using OpenEMR Version 4.0 on the Windows Platform. I have tested it on XP Pro, VISTA, and Windows 7. Works like a champ.
In version 4 i can go through the Administration menu -> Notifications and can enter the necessary details for sending emails. But then nothing happens. What am I doing wrong. There is no documentation anywhere that can explain to idiots like myself what we should be doing next…
Then I decided I too wanted to be a genius and started exploring the various subdirectories under OpenEMR. I found by mistake a directory called sms-email_reminder under the direcotry called modules. Here there are 5 .php files and 1 readme.txtr file.
I have opened each one of these files and can find nothing that i can change that would send the emails.
Then i found another place from where emails can be sent. This one is called BatchCom and you can get there from the Miscellaneous Menu.
Absolutely brilliant. It copies the required number of records to a CSV file as per the criteria i put in. But then what. How does it send the email.
Do you think it is possible to get some help on this simple yet very perpplexing function.
I will be truly grateful and i can assure you my clients will be even more grateful, as they will finally be able to get rid of me.
Thank you in advance