Abnormal behavior on issues

@brady.miller ,

 Found an abnormal behavior on issues.
 Checked in the following demo link   http://six.openemr.io/openemr/index.php
 Penned down the steps we followed. Kindly check.
      1. Clicked Popups->issues.A new Issues and Encounters tab
      2. On clicking cancel,the issues tab stands empty.Again on
      clicking Popups->issues, again a new Issues and Encounters
      tab gets opened and the existing tabs stands still.
      3. On Repeating steps 1 and 2, the issue continues.
Attached the screenshot for assistance.


Hi @visolveemr ,

In these cases where need to close a tab, I think will need to have it call the following js function:

(I think would call this via parent.*)


@brady.miller Thanks for your suggestion. We will take a look on this and get back to you in a short span of time.


We have made some code changes to resolve the issue while closing the issues tab.
Kindly Check.
Here is code which has been used for fixing the issue.

"<input type='button' value='<?php echo xla('Cancel'); ?>' onclick='top.window.tabCloseByName(window.frames.name);' />"


Hi @visolveemr ,

Looks good. Does this also work in frames mode?
And rec posting the solution as a PR on github.



Above fix works only for tab mode and for frames mode we have made some code changes as below.
The fix works for both tab and frame views.

<input type='button' value='<?php echo xla('Cancel'); ?>'<?php if($GLOBALS['new_tabs_layout']) {?> onclick='top.window.tabCloseByName(window.frames.name);' <?php } else { ?> onclick='window.close()' <?php } ?> />

Kindly check and share your views.


@robert.down Are we going to get rid of left nav? Sooner the better. I’d be willing to help with if someone else takes point. Seems like every area we touch now we have to be concerned with two or three exit strategies or a gross of themes. One layout and maybe two themes(light and dark). We can start with simply pulling left nav menu from next release.

hi @sjpadgett ,
There’s still a significant group of users that prefer frames (I do not know why; probably habit). At some point this will be phased out (something to think about after we release 5.0.1; ie. could shoot for this in 5.0.2). The nice thing is that we will be able to do this readily this since new_tabs_layout global anchors everywhere that differences have been required(it’s actually much simpler than the old days(ie. about 6 months ago) when we had the original/concurrent-frames stuff to deal with, which has all been removed from the codebase).

I get why folks like left nav but I don’t think they would chase you down with pitch forks either:) Just a thought.

Agree that this is definitely a good discussion to have. Would be good to get feedback especially regarding why folks are staying with frames(maybe get a forum thread just focused on this with an eye catching dramatic title). For example, I know that the searching mechanism on frames has advantages over tabs. Then could attack this list and then bye bye frames(and to be realistic and avoid pitch forks, would shoot for 5.0.2).